30 october 2018

Spooky money. Five snap ideas to jump-start a Helloween business right now


Europeans do not celebrate Helloween like Americans do. People of the Old Continent rarely bother themselves with fussy street decorations and ‘treat-or-trick’ processions, but all these old castles and haunted mansions make Europe а great place to be on October 31st, and a nice place to make some ‘holiday money’. Here are five cases with one-day preparations.

1. Party Arrangement

If you are good at organizing celebrations and have access to horror-themed locations, then just throw a cool party. Think about it — you don’t have to rack your brains over the theme, and there are three age groups to cover — kids, teens, and adults. Just ensure that the venue of your party is well-secured and that the entrance fee is reasonable for your audience. Have some fun, there is still time!

Image: moconana217/Instagram

2. Face Painting

A nice way to make some money right from the streets and the best part is that it’s legal! Face painting is a small-scale venture that anyone can start. All you need are drawing skills from elementary schools, some decent paints and a mouth of a street barker to make people pay you actual money for making them look like zombies and vampires.

It's possible to smile to the bank after each Helloween celebration

3. Helloween Decoration

Google some photos of Los Angeles during Helloween. That's what an inspired decorator can do. If you think that you have THAT level of inspiration and love the holiday enough to understand which decorations are cool and which are lame, go and create some creepy beauty.

4. Pumpkin Carving

Everyone loves Helloween pumpkins, though far from everybody can properly choose and carve them. Perhaps you are a born sculptor, but sometimes simple patience and a bit of imagination work wonders. Good carving ideas will turn simple vegetables into fashionable interior items — who would reject a custom readymade pumpkin?


5. Helloween inspired laundry or dry cleaning service

This case will make you smile to the bank after each Helloween celebration. Costumes are usually laborious to wash and clean because of delicate fabrics and design. Just ensure that you can find and target people who make use of costumes, but cannot or don’t want to do their laundry themselves.

Here go your quick bucks!

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