HI-TECH NATION forum in Belarus
one of the world’s best countries
for hi-tech business
one of the world’s best countries
for hi-tech business
Meet the HI-TECH NATION Speakers who have already confirmed their participation. The list of Speakers is being updated
Worldwide famous economist. Regular speaker at the World Economic Forum in Davos
Worldwide famous economist. Regular speaker at the World Economic Forum in Davos
One of the most authoritative experts in the world on global finance issues. In 2006 predicted the world economic crisis of 2008 and won fame as Dr. Doom.
Professor of economics at New York University's Stern School of Business. During Bill Clinton’s presidency from 1998 to 2000 served as a senior adviser to the White House Council of Economic Advisers. After that moved to the US Treasury.
Chairman at Roubini Global Economics Monitor. Among his clients – governments and executives of major banks all over Europe and Asia.
Ranked #4 in Foreign Policy's List of Top 100 Global Thinkers and was included in Time magazine's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Author of «Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance».
Issues that we will discuss with Houriel Roubini at the HI-TECH NATION forum in Minsk are dedicated to the ways new technologies (AI, robotics, etc.) will be changing the economy, separate industries, labor market and distribution of earnings in society in the nearest future.
Futurist, inventor, Director of Engineering at Google
Futurist, inventor, Director of Engineering at Google
Recognized American futurist and inventor (invented numerous systems for speech recognition), known for his sensational predictions for the future.
Believes that by 2029 we will create artificial intelligence equal to the human, and by 2045 may appear technological singularity – a moment in history when the whole planet is one enormous computer and technological progress has such paces that will be beyond human understanding.
In his opinion, to this phenomenon will lead three simultaneous revolutions: in biotechnology, nanotechnology and, to the greatest extent, in the field of development of AI.
Ray has been described as “the restless genius” by The Wall Street Journal, "the ultimate thinking machine" by Forbes, “the rightful heir to Thomas Edison” by Inc. magazine, and Bill Gates calls him the best person he knows at predicting the future of artificial intelligence.
"When he makes a prediction, all think they are far from reality. But normally there was no prediction that happened earlier than he had predicted", — says about Ray Kurzweil Herman Gref, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank.
At the HI-TECH NATION Ray Kurzweil will appear as a 3D-hologram.
Co-author of a bestseller “Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle”
Co-author of a bestseller “Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle”
The book "Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel′s Economic Miracle" has reached #5 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal business bestseller lists.
Saul Singer and his co-author Dan Senor (American writer and political adviser) analyze in the book success story of Israel: a small country that started from scratch and in a short span of time has turned into a powerful technological player. In amount of start-ups and innovations per capita Israel outperforms today the USA. A number of conclusions which Saul Singer and Dan Senor have made will be useful for Belarus and other countries to create a successful entrepreneural ecosystem and the economy based on knowledge and high technologies.
In Israel he has briefed visiting executives from companies such as: Johnson & Johnson, Procter and Gamble, Xerox, Mars, General Electric, IBM, AT&T, Medtronic, Microsoft, and Dupont.
Before moving to Israel served an adviser to the US Congress.
Global Director of Operations GE Global Research (GEGR), Head of Women in Technology General Electric (GE)
Global Director of Operations GE Global Research (GEGR), Head of Women in Technology General Electric (GE)
A global digital industrial company General Electric (GE), that last year celebrated its 125 year anniversary, serves customers in approximately 180 countries and ranks 13th in Fortune 500. The Company's last year revenue is more than $122 BLN.
A seasoned leader, Janeen Uzzell has more than 20 years of Corporate, strategy, business development and start-up experience. Most recently, she was the Head of Women in Technology for GE where she worked across the 300,000-employee community, leading a culture shift to accelerate the number of women within the Company’s technical female workforce.
During her 16-year tenure with GE, Janeen has held a number of technical roles, served as a P&L leader, managed a major market customer base, and transformed the teams of people that she had leadership responsibility over. Additionally, she was selected to join key teams to launch two Chairman sponsored initiatives delivering Company-wide disruptive solutions resulting in culture shifts, new business models, increased customer satisfaction and incremental revenue growth.
At the HI-TECH NATION Janeen will cover a crucial topic for business how to meet the inevitable of industrial transformation and innovate developing employees' potential.
Global Head of Digital Health Innovation at Bayer
Global Head of Digital Health Innovation at Bayer
Bayer is a famous chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in Germany in 1863. Today it is a global multinational enterprise represented in 79 countries with more than 115 000 employees and an annual revenue of more than €46 billion.
Eugene is known not only as a top-manager of Bayer but as an entrepreneur and a founder of Health 2.0 Conference as well. He is also a mentor in digital health startups and an avid blogger about innovation and digital health.
At the HI-TECH NATION Eugene will cover the topic of a traditional business transformation through digital innovations and AI.
Partner at 500 Startups, one of the largest venture funds in the USA
Partner at 500 Startups, one of the largest venture funds in the USA
Running the SF based accelerator program as well as investing in Seed stage start ups.
Field of interest: Digital Media, Enterprise SAAS, Marketplace, Mobile, AdTech/MarketingTech, Digital Health, Internet of Things & Fintech startups. Fund's portfolio includes start-ups from the USA, Canada, Israel and Eurupean countries.
Marvin has more than 10-year experience in Yahoo! Inc. where he has held roles in the various departments of Sales, Business Development, Ad Operations and Marketing. Most of his roles were regional or global management roles giving him extensive experience across Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United States in his career at the company.
Founder of Zubr Capital (private equity fund)
Founder of Zubr Capital (private equity fund)
Has over 25 years of business experience in Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine. Managing partner and founder of Zubr Capital, the first professional private firm that manages private equity funds in Belarus. Its portfolio includes companies from IT, e-commerce and manufacture.
Oleg personally managed and oversaw the creation of over 30 portfolio companies, including 8 acquisitions and over 15 start-ups.
Prior to Zubr Capital founded an International Automobile Holding "Atlant-M".
Recipient of the highly regarded “Entrepreneur of the Year” award from Ernst and Young in Russia in 2009 (for anti-crisis management).
VP on Business development at PassivDom Corp.
VP on Business development at PassivDom Corp.
Using 3D-printing technology the company is changing today a very conservative construction industry and builds fully autonomous and completely energy-independent houses in any climate.
Andrii is heading today the line of business development that includes company development on international markets.
Has 17 years of managing positions in sales, marketing and business development in ITE Group Plс.
Co-founder of MAPS.ME, AIMATTER, Bulba Ventures
Co-founder of MAPS.ME, AIMATTER, Bulba Ventures
One of the most successful Belarusian tech entrepreneurs. The Co-founder and former СЕО of MAPS.ME mobile app (maps on the base of the OpenStreetMap technology). In 2014 MAPS.ME was acquired by Mail.Ru Group. According to the Russian media, the acquisition became the most significant on the Russian web-market. The number of users of MAPS.ME increased by 40 mln.
In 2016 together with a team of Belarusian software engineers Yury Melnichek launched an AI-based startup — AIMATTER (technology on the base of neural networks and computer vision for processing images). In 2017 AIMATTER was acquired by Google Inc. That acquisition became legendary for the Belarusian market. Besides, the acquisition was carried out in the Belarusian jurisdiction.
Recently Yury is interested in projects at the junction of artificial intelligence and traditional industries: agriculture (Yury is one of the investors of the Belarusian startup OneSoil – an AI-based web-service for monitoring of cultivated areas and yield enhancement), medicine, etc.
Yury considers that in the nearest future outstanding projects at the junction of IT and different traditional industries may occur in Belarus, and he is investing actively in this field. In March 2018 launched an investment company Bulba Ventures.
Founder of VP Capital
Founder of VP Capital
Viktor founded Viaden Media – one of the largest producers of applications for iPhone and iPad in the Central and Eastern Europe region, and exp(capital) – a company which develops solutions for banks and brokers.
He is the founder of VP Capital – an international investment company focused on the technological sector.
VP Capital of Viktor Prokopenya and the Larnabel Enterprises Fund, owned by the family of a Russian billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev, together invest in IT-products on the base of AI and AR.
Viktor is one of the initiators of the development of Belarus as an IT-country. He was actively involved in the development and promotion of the Decree "On the Development of Digital Economy".
Senior Partner at Aleinikov & Partners
Senior Partner at Aleinikov & Partners
Together with his colleagues was developing the revolutionary Decree “On the Development of Digital Economy” which legalizes ICO, crypto-currencies and smart contracts. Thanks to the adoption of this document, Belarus becomes the first jurisdiction in the world with comprehensive legal regulation of businesses based on blockbuster technology.
For more than 15 years has been practicing dispute resolution and advising on investment projects with foreign capital in such industries as information technology, energy, infrastructure, capital markets and other.
Co-Founder, Chairman of Marvelstone Group
Co-Founder, Chairman of Marvelstone Group
Marvelstone Group is a private investment group that develops and invests in growing businesses. With finance as its core strength, it also makes diversified investments in technology, real estate, infrastructure, energy and media.
Besides, Joe Seunghyun Cho is a managing partner of a Global Fintech Hub – Lattice80, that:
- helps Fintech Startups prototype, develop and expand their business models globally
- supports existing Corporates and Financial Institutions in their adoption of innovations
- forms Public-Private Partnerships to further develop new tech and financial infrastructure
Managing partner at the Сenter of Strategy Consulting
Famous Russian coach and consultant. He has carried out more than 700 projects in building industry, retail, restaurant and hotel business, IT and telecommunication, etc.
Currently is the most popular speaker at Pro business events ever. Articles and videos with his participation have gone viral and have already got an outreach of approximately 6 mln.
His public speaking constantly causes a number of disputes and discussions, but always makes listeners set sights on themselves, on their "patterns" of decision-making – both in business and life.
By his own example Arkadii also shows that a person can overcome any difficulties, that resources of personal enhancement are almost unlimited.
At the HI-TECH NATION forum Arkadii will talk about the role of the human in business where machines are getting more and more functions.
Founder of Toonbox studio and the project Freeland
Creator of the project Freeland - decentralized state with its own cryptocurrency MFCoin.
Pavel directed projects KOMS and Multikov.net, represented the interests of various studios in the international animation market and was engaged in selling the brand "Masyanya."
Toonbox series are "Kumi-Kumi" and "Kotiki, vpered!" The series are broadcasted in 21 languages in 126 countries.
VP Organizational Transformation (EPAM Systems), moderator of the forum
A Certified Senior Associate at the Adizes Institute, USA. Co-founder of the Adizes Management Consulting, Belarus (the first Adizes office in the Russian-speaking world).
Former CEO of the Adizes USA.
Pavel managed and participated in projects on company transformation from different industries in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Turkey, Germany, Thailand, India, Mexico, USA, Israel.
Has successful experience in consulting companies with revenues from $10 MLN to $12 BLN.
Don’t miss your chance to buy tickets at best prices!
9.00 am – 11.00 am | Registration and Welcome coffee |
PART I | |
11.00 am – 11.30 am |
Opening Ceremony Vitali Valianiuk, probusiness.io – moderator |
11.30 am – 12.30 pm |
Saul Singer (Israel) How to turn problems into opportunities. Israel’s economic miracle lessons for Belarus and the world |
12.30 pm – 1.00 pm |
Yury Melnichek (Belarus) What opportunities open today in Belarus for projects at the junction of artificial intelligence and traditional industries. Q&A |
1.00 pm – 1.45 pm | Coffee Break. Networking Sessions for Business |
1.45 pm — 2.20 pm |
Viktor Prokopenya (Belarus) Why we have to think different in the new economy |
2.20 pm — 2.50 pm |
Joe Seunghyun Cho (Singapore) Developing start-up culture in companies. Singapore’s experience |
2.50 pm – 3.30 pm |
Denis Aleinikov (Belarus) Opportunities for businesses on blockchain in Belarus. Q&A |
3.30 pm – 4.00 pm |
Pavel Muntyan (Cyprus) Decentralization of the society and business: Future or Eutopia? |
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm | Coffee Break. Networking Sessions for Business |
5.00 pm – 6.30 pm |
Nouriel Roubini (USA) How new technologies change the economy, industries and life. Q&A |
6.30 pm | Concluding Remarks |
9.00 am – 11.00 am | Registration and Welcome coffee |
PART I | |
11.00 am – 11.40 am |
Marvin Liao (USA) Wide opportunities that new technologies open for small business. The View From the Valley |
11.40 am – 12.20 pm |
Oleg Khusaenov (Belarus) Investments in IT and traditional sector – conclusions and recommendations from the Investor |
12.20 pm – 1.00 pm |
Andrii Stetsovskyi (Ukraine, USA) How 3D-printing will change the construction industry. Ambitions of PassivDom |
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm | Coffee Break. Networking Sessions for Business |
2.00 pm — 2.40 pm |
Eugene Borukhovich (Germany) How AI challenges and evolves traditional industries. Experience of Bayer |
2.40 pm – 3.20 pm |
Janeen Uzzell (USA) How to meet the inevitable of industrial transformation. Integrating innovations with the development of employees’ potential |
3.20 pm – 4.00 pm |
Arkadii Tsuker (Russia) Human in the new business reality |
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm | Coffee Break. Networking Sessions for Business |
5.00 pm – 6.30 pm |
Ray Kurzweil (USA) On the way to tech singularity – future that already exists. Q&A (3D hologram speaking engagement) |
6.30 pm | Concluding Remarks |
Technologies are rapidly developing. They open up new opportunities for some businesses and ruin others. On which side is your business?
We will address opportunities that occur at the junction of IT and traditional industries with world renowned futurists and entrepreneurs at the major HI-TECH NATION Pro Business forum at Minsk-Arena. Shortly before the event, the revolutionary Decree “On Digital Economy Development” will come into effect in Belarus to make the country one of the world’s most convenient jurisdictions for the development of hi-tech business*.
Among the Speakers are the world famous economist Nouriel Roubini, legendary futurist, inventor, Google executive Ray Kurzweil, co-author of the global business best-seller Start-up Nation Saul Singer and a number of notable entrepreneurs, top-managers, and investors.
Title Partner – Alfa-Bank (Belarus).
On April 13, 2017, the Business Forum "Under the Sign of Unpredictability" was held at Falcon Club Arena. It brought together more than 1,500 participants from different countries. The headliner of the forum was Nassim Nicholas Taleb, one of the most brilliant contemporary thinkers, the author of the world best-selling books Black Swan and Antifragile.
If you need more information, please, contact us by email p@probusiness.io.
or by phone: +375 (29) 387-22-40, +375 (17) 239-57-17
Minsk-Arena - the largest venue in the country
Minsk, praspiekt Pieramožcaŭ, 111