31 october 2018

"It's OK for male employees to take maternity leave." Staff development strategy of General Electric


General Electric Corporation has two significant challenges. First and foremost, GE strives to bring more millennials into a business with more than a century of history. They also seek to attract more female employees to the tech industry.
Janeen Uzzell, a market consultant, and a former chief operating officer of GE Global Research, shared the experience of multinational conglomerate on the matter.

General Electric has been around for 125 years. The management of the company is aware of the importance of forward-looking employees and female leadership. The latter is often discussed but rarely implemented. The human resources system of General Electric is built to change this state of things.
Here are some examples to show their commitment.


How does the company work with partners? GE had many schools and universities, from which graduates were hired. The results, however, did not satisfy the management. The list of educational institutions was revised and changed. The company now drafts only from schools that graduate students interested in cyberspace.
How does the company present itself? The mistake of GE was that the company sent experienced recruiting teams to universities and schools, but one has to use millennials to gain the interest of millennials simply. So they "switched faces" of recruitment officers.
How does the company describe its positions and job instructions? The wording became more creative and "millennial-friendly."

The mistake of GE was that the company sent experienced recruiting teams to universities and schools, but one has to use millennials to gain the interest of millennials simply. So they "switched faces" of recruitment officers


The company conducts many training events for gifted and young employees. General Electric also pays particular attention to women's leadership pieces of training.
Millennials get more complex and sophisticated tasks that demand diversity and inclusion and develop leadership skills.
The company also has a practice of so-called "short-term assignments" that require an employee to solve a specific problem in a short period. GE allows such employee to take some time to learn, get new ideas that can later be implemented within the company.


The company conducts various pieces of training to improve management efficiency. They are followed by a workplace practice.
General Electric seeks to increase the number of female employees in the tech industry. The company has also changed a lot to become a comfortable place for women to work in tech. For instance, GE introduced a childcare leave for male employees

The chart below includes all the company's methods and practices of working with gifted employees.

Image: Janeen Uzzell

Janeen Uzzell

Emerging market consultant from Washington D.C. Metro Area, diversity and inclusion advocate and technology evangelist. 

"At the core of my efforts is the vision of a world where everyone, regardless of where they live, has the opportunity for a proper quality of life."

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