9 october 2018

"If you have problems, do not worry. That means that you are in good company, among the living." 25 quotes by Ichak Adizes to mull over


Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes is one of the world's unrivaled business consultants and a brilliant expert on effective business process management. From books and speeches of Dr. Adizes, we chose a few striking aphorisms about changes and problems, management, leadership, trust, and love.

1. Problems that are signs of disintegration attracted by change need to be addressed. However, any decisions taken by the leaders of organizations to overcome these problems create new moves, and, therefore, further disagreements leading to new challenges. The purpose of any form of organizational direction, whether it is management, leadership, education of children or government, is to solve today's problems and prepare for ones that will come tomorrow. I've just described the change management.

2. If you know how to solve problems successfully, they cease to be problems and become opportunities, because, in reality, any problem is an opportunity. When issues are small, the organization's perspectives are declining. It is a sign of aging. Of course, the inability to solve pressing problems that are becoming larger means that you are dying.

3. You can not be a good parent if you are afraid of raising children. Same goes with a company — you will not become a leader if you are scared of people management.

4. A person can not change but can become unbearable or more flexible, and the latter is often enough to work with this individual.

5. "What kind of people do we need?" We need people who inspire confidence and respect. Also, what to do about the employee who is not capable of doing this? Usually, I hear this answer: "Firing!". I'm afraid I have to disagree. I say: "Recommend it to your competitor. Why should you suffer alone? When your competitor mires in intrigues and quarrels initiated by such employees and that rival company's resources will be spent on internal quarrels, you will be able to take the market share."

The purpose of any form of organizational direction, whether it is management, leadership, education of children or government, is to solve today's problems and prepare for ones that will come tomorrow.6. While a company is small and young, only the Founder has the right to say "yes" or "no." The Founder decides whether it is possible to do something different than before. The company grows and becomes bigger, and the Founder or his successor can no longer make all decisions alone. He passes his powers to others. He usually delegated the right to say "no," keeping the right to say "yes." Where does this go? The right to approve changes moves to an increasingly higher level of the hierarchy, and at the same time new levels of those who can say "no" appears. The result is bureaucracy. The organization is making the transformations more slowly.

7. If you have problems, do not worry. This means that you are in good company, among the living. If you think that everything is fine, then your main problem is that you are not aware of your issues.

8. When solving a problem, always start from a blank sheet. Do not assume anything. Let the task speak to you. Allow yourself to act blindly, as I did when I turned over pieces of the puzzle, trying to collect it. If you keep your mind open, the answer will come to you.

9. Consider the "duck theory" of management — a duck floating on the water seems calm and unperturbed, but its paws underwater work very quickly.

10. If you try to build ten additional floors on top of a three-story building, it will collapse, because the foundation was designed to hold only three stories. Same goes with a company — to expand and develop the business you need to strengthen its foundation. Disproportionate growth causes many problems.


11. The organization must be managed so that it will remain viable for thousands of years. Take, for instance, the Catholic Church. It has existed for two thousand years and will carry on for just as much. Why? Because it has formed a system of values that are shared by every single associate.

12. Every manager usually solves a dozen problems at once, although it would be much better if ten managers would simultaneously deal with the same problem.

13. The team discusses the problem until its members come to a consensus. To consensus, not to compromise.

14. Successful management is a democracy in decision-making and a dictatorship when these decisions are implemented.

15. Companies sometimes try to cut costs to increase profits. However, why not to increase the revenue instead? To do this, make a pivot to the market. Entrepreneurs work with income, bureaucrats work with costs.

Successful management is a democracy in decision-making and a dictatorship when these decisions are implemented16. There cannot be long-term victories until you agree to assume the risks of short-term losses.

17. In the absence of changes, mediocre companies achieve success. Non-ordinary companies benefit in times of crisis. Therefore it would help if you always strived to be better than competitors, to offer something that others can not.

18. Find out what your customers need. Do not guess, find out.

19. You must love your business, love customers and suppliers, and this will come back to you. Steve Jobs loved computers, loved his work. That's what drove him.

20. Success is measured not by the number of you falls, but by the number of times you find the strength to rise again.


21. I will say directly: it's not knowledge that makes you a good manager or leader, but what you represent yourself.

22. Mutual trust appears when people are convinced that their cooperation is mutually beneficial in the long term.

23. It's not enough that you just get paid for the job! The highest turnover in the service industry is among consultants. They merely get paid without any gratitude, like prostitutes. Hello, managers! Wake up! Money and additional benefit are a "Stone Age currency" that deprives employees. It's no wonder that they do not seek to cooperate with you. Their most profound need is not satisfied. Also, this sometimes affects companies, resulting in low productivity and a decline in morale. My mother taught me always to thank people. So she was right.

24. The ultimate goal of our existence is interaction. Man is a social being. We need each other, and that's it.

25. The more bizarre our everyday life, the less love we see around. However, without love, everything falls apart. So ease down. Rate race won't bring you happiness.

Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes

In addition to consulting to prime ministers and cabinet-level officers throughout the world, Dr. Adizes has worked with a wide variety of companies ranging from startups to members of the Fortune 500. He lectures in four languages, and has appeared before well over 100,000 executives in more than 50 countries.

“Some people have something to say. Some people have to say something Avoid the second group.”


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